About The Creators

Carol Ann de Barros & Jules Cashford
Carol and I have always been involved in the Arts in one way or another, myself as a writer and Carol Ann as an artist, and both as lovers of music and songwriting.
We were best friends at boarding school, where we sang in the choir together and used to sneak off whenever possible to sing her beautiful songs out of range of the teachers! We have been friends ever since. One day, not so long ago, Carol Ann told me that her six-year-old grand-daughters favorite nighttime story was The Animals’ Carols, a number of Carols that I had written to music for my daughter, Sasha, when she was six, which she sang at her school’s Nativity Play. They were bound in blue for the occasion and, many years later, Carol’s grand-daughter, Rio, would ask for ‘the little blue book over there.’ The Animals’ Carols App came out of that happy coincidence.
The Carols were originally intended as the First Carols for Children, since, as children, we make many of our earliest explorations through those animals who are close to us – our cats and dogs and ‘teddy bears’ – allowing us to feel for them, and through them, as well as learning from them. We hope that these Carols would offer a similar introduction to the Christmas Story.

Carol Ann de Barros Groberg
Carol Ann studied in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze Italia, as well as at Roedean School with Jules and became a portrait painter, a jewelry designer, a dealer in fine Arts, specializing in old Master paintings. Currently living in New York City. USA. She has one son, Tristan Bechet whose wife is Michelle, and two grandchildren Rio and Cassian. Belongs to the American Society of Portrait painters.
Jules Cashford
Jules studied classics at Roedean, Brighton, philosophy at St. Andrews University and, on a Carnegie Fellowship, graduate literature at Cambridge, where she was a Supervisor in Tragedy for Trinity College for some years. She now writes and lectures on Mythology. She has written three books for children Isis and Osiris (Barefoot Books, 1993), Theseus and the Minotaur (Barefoot Books, 1994), and Seven Years Young, a book of poems for children under seven. Her other books include The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image (co-authored) (Penguin, 1993), a translation of The Homeric Hymns (Penguin Classics, 2003), The Moon: Myth and Image (Cassell Illustrated, 2003), The Mysteries of Osiris (Atalanta Ediciones, 2010), and Gaia: From Goddess to Symbol (Gaia Press, 2013). She has made two films on the Early Renaissance Painter, Jan van Eyck: The Mystic Lamb and The Mystery of Jan van Eyck. Jules is a member of the IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology). She lives in England and has one daughter, Sasha.

Karl Wllhelm Kohler, alias Gilly
Lived in Brazil, Portugal, England, Spain and US. Went to Allhallows boarding school for boys in Devon, UK. School of Visual Arts, Manhattan, New York Escuela Mansana de Bellas Artes, Barcelona , Spain. Bryam Shore of Fine arts, London UK. He has exhibited all over the world and is currently illustrating children’s books. He and Angela moved from Brazil to the Island of Mallorca Spain , with their dogs and cats. Unfortunately Patinha the leader of the pack disappeared 2 months ago . his email is “Gillyibiza@gmail.com