Welcome to The Animals' Carols & Songs of the Animals!

Songs of the Animals
As we move away from Christmas and the animals in the manger, the "Animals' Carols" becomes “Songs of the Animals” and takes hold of the Mission with greater strength and purpose in our environmental quest.This forthcoming story is told by Pippa, the Dog, the first song in our C.D, who leads all the Animals and Children on an adventure to meet other Animals and Children from all over the world, and together they come to see how the Earth and her creatures, her seas and river and mountains and all the animals who live in them, are suffering everywhere, not just where they each live.They journey round the world together and back into the past and forward into the future, and they work out a plan for the present. What happens is still a secret, but we can tell you that Children and Animals made a promise to meet up altogether on a certain night to assemble on a windy hill beneath the silent star.In this ecological Mission we can imagine all living beings playing their part in rescuing and caring for our beautiful planet, together. We hope that these adventures in "Songs of the Animals" from the C.D. might awaken Children's Imagination to the new consciousness of our Earth as one complete and sacred whole shared by all creatures on Earth, including ourselves.Remember the Clay Birds singing in their Carol: "Holy are we, holy are you, and everything living is holy too.
Available on Amazon
The Animals Carols are available for download or CD on Amazon.

Moms Choice Awards
The Animals Carols was awarded the Moms Choice Award!
Meet the Authors
Carol Ann de Barrros
Jules Cashford

The Animal Carols App
The Animals' Carols is a 3D interactive gyroscopic APP with full orchestral modern Carols that make for a meaningful offering.It has stunning classical illustrations with added interactions on the screen, and is set to the beautiful poems by Jules Cashford. It is a glorious and unequaled experience for children and their parents to hear the voices of the animals at Christmas time and beyond
Apple App Store
The Animals Carols App available on iPhone & iPad.
Android App (via Amazon)
The Animals Carols App available for Android via the Amazon. store app